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Using 100% Polyester Yarn in Knitting and Crocheting

Polyester yarn has become a very popular material in both knitting and crocheting. As a synthetic fabric, polyester is durable yet economical and machine washable for easy care; making it the ideal choice for projects such as sweaters and blankets requiring frequent washings. 100% Polyester Yarn is a good starting point as its relatively durable construction makes it simple to work with. Recently, however, concerns about its environmental impacts have become widespread, leading many consumers to opt for more eco-friendly solutions like natural fabrics and yarns instead.
Blends for polyester yarn include polyester/viscose and polyester/cotton blends, which have become very popular. Of these counts, the 21-30s count seems to dominate most in terms of percentage spun; there are other count groups available including 31-40s, 41-60s, and even some jumbo counts; these don't seem as widely spun though.
Polyester yarns typically comprise pure fibers; however, blending can add strength and color effects that would otherwise not be possible. Cotton, wool, and other natural fibers may be combined with polyester to add additional strength and color effects; though such blends don't offer warmth and breathability like their natural counterparts do; however, they do provide greater durability than pure polyester yarns as well as being more shape-retaining than 100% cotton ones which tend to sag after repeated usage.
When it comes to crafting yarn from polyester fibers, there are various techniques used for spinning and twisting them - these include air-entangling, twisting, and crimping - as well as changing the diameter of spinneret holes or the way the thread is drawn out from them.
One of the primary uses for polyester yarns is novelty yarns, created through a process called blending. These novelty yarns can feature anything from faux fur to ribbons and spangles made entirely out of polyester; all can usually be machine washed easily for machine care and washing machine-safe use. They're an excellent alternative for those allergic to animal fibers such as wool and great for baby projects!
Polyester clothing may be inexpensive and warm, but its synthetic fibers do not breathe like natural ones, leading to feelings of clamminess and humidity when worn. People with sensitive skin might even find that it irritates them - though some manufacturers now offer moisture-wicking types of polyester which could help address such concerns for sensitive skin individuals. Also, beware that polyester is highly flammable so take caution when working near open flames.

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